Cape Cod Real Estate News

February 2020 Recording Statistics
SALES VOLUME DIPS AND VALUE RISES! Barnstable County Register of Deeds, John F. Meade, reports that the volume of real estate sales in Februar...

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2020, Registry Recording Statistics
Posted in: Registry of Deeds
January 2020 Registry Recording Statistics
SALES & MORTGAGE VOLUME RISE! Barnstable County Register of Deeds, John F. Meade, reports that the volume of real estate sales in January 2020 ...

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Barnstable Registry Recording Statistics, 2020
Posted in: Registry of Deeds
December 2019 Real Estate Registry Stats
SALES VOLUME AND VALUE RISE! Barnstable County Register of Deeds, John F. Meade, reports that the volume of real estate sales in December 2019 was ...

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2019, Barnstable Registry Recording Statistics
Posted in: Registry of Deeds
November 2019 Registry Recording Stats
SALES VOLUME FALLS AND MORTGAGE VOLUME RISES! Barnstable County Register of Deeds, John F. Meade, reports that the volume of real estate sales in N...

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2019, Barnstable Registry Recording Statistics
Posted in: Registry of Deeds
October 2019 Registry Recording Statistics
SALES VALUE DIPS AND MORTGAGE VOLUME JUMPS! Barnstable County Register of Deeds, John F. Meade, reports that the volume of real estate sales in Oct...

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2019, Barnstable Registry Recording Statistics
Posted in: Registry of Deeds
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